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Maria Grazia Dandini SURFING THE WORLD
An Introduction to the Cultures of the English-Speaking Countries



MODULE C - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) (p. 124)

Read the text below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

bought children colonists comfort country day electricity hospital influential instruments newspaper politician popular prosperous scientific son subjects twelve unknown war

In the 18th century Benjamin Franklin was the most famous American after George Washington. He was a man of letters, a scientist, a successful businessman, a … and a diplomat. He well represented the realization of the 'American Dream' as, though being the … of a poor candle-maker, he became one of the most … men of his day.
He was born in Boston, one of 17 …, and started to work when he was … . He loved reading and went on to study a variety of … with the result that he became perhaps the best-educated man of his … .
A few years later he settled down in Philadelphia where, in 1729, he … the Pennsylvania Gazette, one of the most … colonial newspapers. This made him an … man. He wrote most of the material for this … himself. He made Philadelphia the most advanced city in the colonies. He founded a …, a fire company, a library, an insurance company and a university, institutions virtually … at the time.
In his forties he devoted himself to … studies. His ingenious experiments and machines and particularly his studies on … brought him fame in Europe. He contributed greatly to the … and safety of everyday by life inventing, amongst other things, the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, a heating stove, and even musical … .
He did a lot for his … : he contributed to the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and, as minister to France, he persuaded the French to support the … during the … against the British.


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