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Maria Grazia Dandini SURFING THE WORLD
An Introduction to the Cultures of the English-Speaking Countries



MODULE C - A Healthy Diet (p. 169)


* eat a variety of foods
* eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals
* eat fresh fruit and vegetables as much as possible
* cook your vegetables in little water and as briefly as possible
* eat foods rich in starch and fiber
* avoid eating saturated fats
* avoid drinking alcoholic drinks
* reduce sugary foods and drinks
* avoid eating too often during the day, keep to meal times
* enjoy your food and don't eat too much!

Read the following paragraphs. They relate to the rules given in the checklist.
Match them with the appropriate rules.

a. Eating sugary foods is the main cause of tooth decay. It isn't just the amount of
sugar, it's how often you eat it. Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps
prevent tooth decay but is not enough. Avoid sugary foods and drinks except at
meal times.

b. It's not good for our health to be too fat - or too thin. Although people inherit a
tendency to be a certain shape, the way we eat is also important. If we eat more
energy, or calories, than we use, we gain weight. The foods to reduce are fatty and
sugary foods, and alcohol.

c. Healthy eating doesn't mean cutting out every food that tastes nice. Some of our
favorite meals can be made healthier simply by preparing them in a slightly
different way.

d. Some vitamins are easily lost with time and cooking. Therefore eat fresh vegetables
and fruit as soon as possible, or use frozen. Cook vegetables in as little water as
possible and use the water for sauce or soup. Start with boiling water or use steam
cooking and don't overcook your vegetables.

e. Most of us would benefit from eating less fat. Eating too much fat can encourage
heart disease or other illnesses and overweight. We mainly eat saturates (which are
the worst fats) in biscuits, cheese, cooking fats, meat fat, full-fat milk and chips. We
can cut back on saturates as much as we like: our body does not need them.

f. To stay healthy we need a 'fuel mix' that no single food can provide. Eating plenty
of different foods is the best way to make sure we get enough of all the nourishment
we need.

g. Bread, pasta, rice, cereals, potatoes and other starchy foods supply starch and fiber
which are important to our health. These foods also supply other essentials - protein,
vitamins and minerals - all with little fat.

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