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Maria Grazia Dandini SURFING THE WORLD
An Introduction to the Cultures of the English-Speaking Countries



MODULE D - The Pilgrim Fathers (p. 177)

Read the text below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

beans catch emigrants founded God harvest help holiday influence landed
literature played poorly religious sailed seeds ship showed values winter

In September 1620, 102 men, women and children … from England to America. Many of the … were Puritans and they were leaving to escape … persecution.
They sailed from the port of Plymouth (England) on a … called the Mayflower. The ocean crossing was terrible and many people died. In December the Mayflower … at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the travelers … Plymouth Colony.
At first life in the new land was very hard: it was very cold, they were … equipped, and food was scarce. Half the people died during the …. The others survived thanks to … from local American Indians. They gave the colonists … and advice on how and where to plant corn, pumpkins and … . They … them how to … fish and hunt deer and turkeys.
The next year, after their first …, the colonists invited their Native American friends to a great feast to thank … for their survival. This was the first Thanksgiving, which is still a national … in the US.
The Pilgrim Fathers were men of great faith and strong character. They regarded strict moral probity and hard work as basic … . They exerted a considerable … on American life and history, and … an important part in the formation of the American spirit, … and education.

For a more detailed report on the Plymouth Thanksgiving from the point of view of Native Americans,
see pages 8-12 at


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