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 Sez. B – Activities


  1. Refer to activity n.1 p.67: pretend an English-speaking family is going to visit you and your parents next week. They will have to spend some hours in an international hub waiting for the connecting flight to your city. Use your answer to give suggestions on how to spend their time, writing an email which explains in detail what they can do.
  2. Refer to activity n.4 p.73: write an email to an English friend inviting him to join you for a bus trip to Australia, providing all necessary details.
  3. Refer to activity n.4 p.85: translate your tour in English, advertising it for potential tourists.
  4. Refer to activity n.4 p. 95: Find at least one example of Augmented Reality in an English speaking country and describe it.
  5. Refer to activity n.3 p. 101: write an email to a tour operator which has no specific offer for women, explaining why it is important to add new packages for the so-called stonky tourism.


Work in pairs. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the forms of transport that you have just studied. Consider elements such as costs, pollution, speed and comfort.


Jack Kerouac has influenced the American and European counter-culture ever since the ‘60s with his spontaneous prose. His autobiographical works, in particular “On the road”, speak about young people who cross the USA, exploring the territory and who consider travelling as an end in itself. Read the following passage taken from “On the road”: driving a car is described as a fascinating experience, a symbol of freedom and exploration.

We were all delighted, we all realized we were leaving confusion and nonsense behind and performing our one and noble function of the time, move. And we moved! We flashed past the mysterious white signs in the night somewhere in New Jersey that say South (with an arrow) and West (with an arrow) and took the South one. New Orleans! It burned in our brains. […]Ed was in the back seat; Marylou, Dean and I sat in the front and had the warmest talk about the goodness and joy of life. Dean suddenly became tender. “Now dammit, look here, all of you, we all must admit that everything is fine and there’s no need in the world to worry, and in fact we should realize what it would mean to us to understand that we’re not really worried about anything. Am I right?” We all agreed. […]

We all jumped to the music and agreed. The purity of the road. The white line in the middle of the highway unrolled and hugged our left front tyre as if glued to our groove. Dean hunched his muscular neck, T-shirted in the winter night, and blasted the car along.

unroll: to open up with a circular movement
tyre: the covering of car wheels
glue: to stick
groove: rhythm
hunch: make an upward movement
blast: go in a specific direction as if moved by an explosion

  1. The characters need to travel to leave their problems behind and stop worrying. Do you agree? Describe the function of travelling in your life making personal examples.
  2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car, then compare this means of transport to the other ones you have studied.